Harmony Collection

Discover the Perfect Piece for Every Room in Your Home.
The Harmony Collection is derived from symbols of the main ethnic groups in Singapore: Chinese, Eurasian, Indian and Malay. One of the cornerstones of Singapore's success is the diversity of its population while maintaining racial harmony, implemented in 1997, as a day of celebration and remembrance of the riot in 1964.  The Chinese motif was inspired by traditional Chinese window panes and florals. The Eurasian motif depicted our interpretation of the flourishes on Portuguese-influenced tiles of Eurasian architecture. The Indian motif was inspired by the ornamental design of "Rangoli" (traditional Indian folk art created on the floor using coloured rice, sand and flower petals) and henna painting (intricate hand tattoo adored by Indian women for festive occasions). For the Malay motif, it was inspired “Wayang Kulit" and Batik painting. Portraying symbolic patterns, vivid colours, and shadow puppet figures.
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Qua presents the Harmony Collection

At Qua, we breathe meaning into gifting, and our Harmony collection attempts to capture the different cultures in Singapore. We distilled the essences of the four major ethnicities here, with their very own motifs and colour representations. 

Handmade by Artisans, Designed to Endure

Qua lacquerware is characterised by its distinctive rich lustre and enduring shine, which ispainstakingly handmade and polished by our artisans. A unique material, working with natural lacquer requires utmost patience and skills, which is evident in the beautiful sheen of all the finished products.

A Celebration of the Singaporean Culture

Besides lacquer coasters, candle holders and letter holders, the Harmony Collection also consists of trinket boxes and tea boxes — a wonderful memento of the unique mix of the Singaporean flavour. 

The Ideal Gift

Qua Lacquerware offers a range of stunning lacquerware pieces that are perfect for showing your appreciation for the special ones in your life. From elegant tea boxes to stylish serving trays, our handmade and customisable lacquerware is the perfect way to honour them.

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