Just Colour Collection

Qua redefines lacquerware with trendy hues, celebrating individualism and style with every piece.
Qua introduces fabulous shades of colours this season! Through incorporating various trendy colours into its products, Qua seeks to promote individualism, character and style. Each colour used in the Just Colour collection imbues a certain flavour and expression. It attempts to remove the preconception that lacquerware is dull and boring through the coupling of tradition with the hottest colours in trend. Qua brings refreshment with every collection and accentuates the uniqueness of its products.
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$0.00 - $98.00
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Tealight Holder Set of 3, Just Colour


Plate, Just Colour


Deep Round Bowl, Just Colour


Qua presents the Just Colour Collection

The Just Colour collection is a vibrant symphony of hues that redefine the boundaries of style and self-expression. By infusing traditional lacquerware with the bright colours, Qua embarks on a mission to celebrate individualism and inject personality into every piece.

Handmade by Artisans, Designed to Endure

Qua lacquerware is characterised by its distinctive rich lustre and enduring shine, which is painstakingly handmade and polished by our artisans. A unique material, working with natural lacquer requires utmost patience and skills, which is evident in the beautiful sheen of all the finished products.

The Perfect Piece for Every Room

From the timeless elegance of classic hues to the daring allure of contemporary tones, Qua invites you to embrace the power of colour and make a statement that is uniquely yours. With each collection, Qua promises to refresh and rejuvenate, enhancing the beauty and individuality of your space with every carefully crafted piece.
The Ideal Gift
Qua Lacquerware offers a range of stunning lacquerware pieces that are perfect for showing your appreciation for the special ones in your life. From elegant tea boxes to stylish serving trays, our handmade and customisable lacquerware is the perfect way to honour them.

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